#Repost @thewitt with @make_repost ・・・ This is hard...this one, I share DNA with. She is the perfect lyric of a song I have been trying to right for 40yrs. She is without a doubt...the most tenacious individual I have ever known...I will share a quick story that I hold very dear... My mother and Lovie had been in LA for literally just a couple of weeks. She went on a Barbie “casting call”. We spoke that night and as they widdled down from approximately 300 10yr olds to my sis’ and one other they decided on “tho other” girl ...my dear sis’ announced “they said my accent was to thick and I lost...but Bubba that won’t ever happen again”...a lot of water under that bridge and not many loses. It is almost impossible for me to speak of her for more than 20 secsonds and not cry. You see, she is the perfect amalgamation of the women of my family. She is bold. She is brave. She is confident. She is compassionate. She is embracing. She is caring. She is the person we see in t...